The largest earthquake seen in 25 years shook England and Wales overnight.
It struck at 12.56am, triggering hundreds of calls to emergency services across the country over the next two hours.
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale, its epicentre was recorded five miles east of Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, and 14 miles south-west of Grimsby.
I didn't feel anything, so no exciting stories of jumping out of bed with glasses and plates smashing on the floor and my neighbours panicking down the stairs in their nightwear with their most valuable possessions...
PS - What the **** is going on with CSI Las Vegas? yesterday's episode was the worst I have ever seen!!! I had at least 5 urges to switch to another channel...
Palavras soltas!
2 months ago
Ola Vasco
Conta comigo para o almoco ;)
Descupa a demora em responder..
O encontro e' neste domingo q vem ao meio dia no rest Grelha D'Ouro certo?
certissimo, andreia!!!
vemo-nos la entao...
Terramoto, tambem nada e CSI Miami, muito mau de facto... mas aquele Horatio, com a cabeca de lado, qual cachorro a pedir festas, sempre me fez um nervoso miudinho.
Quanto ao almoco, creio que nao posso. O dia esta reservado para a Cila!
Epah, eu confesso que senti o raio do abanão...estava de portátil na cama e começo a abanar. Dado o cansaço ainda pensei que estivesse a alucinar...
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