I mentioned here how disappointed I was by MTV when they decided to give Britney Spears a handful of awards...
Well, people, it seems we are going to have a Britneymania year long. As if the lip-synch tour of several Europe X-Factor's this past week wasn't bad enough, and the TV show cum interview opening soon, now it's the bible of Rock'n'Roll to offer its red carpet to the most famous hillbilly in the world. In an exclusive interview, the "pop star" talks about raising her kids, making her comeback record and how hard it is to meet a good man... as if we needed to know... or haven't read already in the Gossip mags from last month!
Judging by the comments left on its webpage, Rolling Stone is losing credibility by the minute. But hey, maybe they want to reach the under-15's, now that everybody else cannot be bothered with reading this!!!

1 comment:
1º-ela é pop, não é rock, therefore, o seu nome nem deveria ser mencionado na revista
2º-pelas headlines da capa, a coisa tá mesmo a descer de nível... "Gossip Girl" na capa da RS?? WTF???
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