Amigos e amigas!
O Carnaval está aí!
No próximo dia 1 de Fevereiro arranca no Rio de Janeiro o mais famoso desfile do Mundo!
E eu acho que também nos deviamos inserir nas festividades.
Mas como não tenho dinheiro para pagar uma viagem ao Rio para ver in loco o Carnaval, que tal irmos todos ao GUANABARA e brincar ao Entrudo?
Gostava de saber que dia vos dava mais jeito e então combinarmos todos uma saída nocturna.
Digam qualquer coisa!!!
FRI 1 FEB: CARNIVAL LAUNCH PARTY with DJ Cliffy + LIVE: London School of Samba
£10 all night (open til 4am)
The first day of carnival starts with a big bang: LONDON SCHOOL OF SAMBA, voted Notting Hill Carnival's ‘Best Samba Band 2006’. Europe’s top samba school will parade at 7pm dazzling and bursting ear drums with their live performance, and they will later be on stage with 28 of Brazil’s finest musicians who will make sure the music makes its way into all your pores. Then let the many SPARKLY DANCERS help you sweat it out on the dance floor. Plus, Batmacumba founder DJ CLIFFY spins the best carnival tunes making everyone glow and smile.
The first day of carnival starts with a big bang: LONDON SCHOOL OF SAMBA, voted Notting Hill Carnival's ‘Best Samba Band 2006’. Europe’s top samba school will parade at 7pm dazzling and bursting ear drums with their live performance, and they will later be on stage with 28 of Brazil’s finest musicians who will make sure the music makes its way into all your pores. Then let the many SPARKLY DANCERS help you sweat it out on the dance floor. Plus, Batmacumba founder DJ CLIFFY spins the best carnival tunes making everyone glow and smile.
SAT 2 FEB: BAL MASQUÉ with DJ Limao + LIVE: Ritmos da Cidade
£10 all night (open til 4am)
Although the mighty Samba Parade is the most widely known feature of Rio Carnival, it is the hundreds of local 'BALLS' that are the main attraction for many cariocas (natives of Rio). These include plenty of impromptu parties that come and go but one has stood the test of time - the BAL MASQUÉ. To make the most of the party, just wear a beautiful, mysterious, seductive and glitzy mask. RITMOS DE CIDADE will be pounding out the grooves in serious carnival style with the most funked up DANCERS allowed and the fabulous DJ LIMAO will be spinning the latest and greatest carnival tunes.
DRESS CODE: wear a mask! (FREE masks will be available at Guanabara, don’t forget to grab yours)
Although the mighty Samba Parade is the most widely known feature of Rio Carnival, it is the hundreds of local 'BALLS' that are the main attraction for many cariocas (natives of Rio). These include plenty of impromptu parties that come and go but one has stood the test of time - the BAL MASQUÉ. To make the most of the party, just wear a beautiful, mysterious, seductive and glitzy mask. RITMOS DE CIDADE will be pounding out the grooves in serious carnival style with the most funked up DANCERS allowed and the fabulous DJ LIMAO will be spinning the latest and greatest carnival tunes.
DRESS CODE: wear a mask! (FREE masks will be available at Guanabara, don’t forget to grab yours)
SUN 3 FEB: FORRÓNAVAL with DJ Jimmy Jam + LIVE: Zeu Azevedo and Forrodaki
£6 all night (open til 4am)
Few people know that FORRÓ was a sassy, naughty little rustic dance taught by local Brazilian women to English railway workers in the 1860’s in Brazil. Brazilian women still maintain this tradition… ZEU AZEVEDO & FORRÓDAQUI BAND will carry on playing the traditional Forró and also invite some bad ass Brazilian percussionists to play a special carnival set. Be prepared for lots of FORRÓ and samba school style tunes. DJ JIMMY JAM will be spinning traditional Forró and carnival tunes throughout.
Few people know that FORRÓ was a sassy, naughty little rustic dance taught by local Brazilian women to English railway workers in the 1860’s in Brazil. Brazilian women still maintain this tradition… ZEU AZEVEDO & FORRÓDAQUI BAND will carry on playing the traditional Forró and also invite some bad ass Brazilian percussionists to play a special carnival set. Be prepared for lots of FORRÓ and samba school style tunes. DJ JIMMY JAM will be spinning traditional Forró and carnival tunes throughout.
MON 4 FEB: DANCEHALL CARNIVAL with DJ Russ Jones + LIVE: Chico Chagas & Gafieira Brasil
Free entry
The traditional street carnival welcomes you to dance and explore other rhythms beyond the samba school madness. DJ and producer Russ Jones will be spinning some inspiring Brazilian old carnival classics (the so called ‘marchinhas de carnaval’) as well as some new street party tunes. And live, prepare your feet to spend long hours at the dance floor, with CHICO CHAGAS & GAFIEIRA BRASIL band and their amazing dancehall music that will conquer even the less carnivalesque souls! COME EARLY FOR A FREE GAFIEIRA CLASS.
The traditional street carnival welcomes you to dance and explore other rhythms beyond the samba school madness. DJ and producer Russ Jones will be spinning some inspiring Brazilian old carnival classics (the so called ‘marchinhas de carnaval’) as well as some new street party tunes. And live, prepare your feet to spend long hours at the dance floor, with CHICO CHAGAS & GAFIEIRA BRASIL band and their amazing dancehall music that will conquer even the less carnivalesque souls! COME EARLY FOR A FREE GAFIEIRA CLASS.
TUE 5 FEB: QUEENS OF CARNIVAL with DJ Limao + LIVE: Samba de Rainha
£5 all night
Tuesday is the peak of Brazil’s carnival week and will be one of the most overwhelming nights of Guanabara’s carnival as well.
All the way from Brazil comes SAMBA DE RAINHA, an 8-piece female band that plays the most authentic and powerful rootsy samba, mixing charisma, talent, beauty and sensuality.
They started playing at home, then at parties and small bars. Suddenly everyone was conquered by their talent and exuberance. A contagious, vibrant live performance, making our 5th day of carnival a very special and unique one.
To keep up with the party mood, DJ LIMÃO will be on the pick ups, playing lots of great carnivalesque tunes.
Tuesday is the peak of Brazil’s carnival week and will be one of the most overwhelming nights of Guanabara’s carnival as well.
All the way from Brazil comes SAMBA DE RAINHA, an 8-piece female band that plays the most authentic and powerful rootsy samba, mixing charisma, talent, beauty and sensuality.
They started playing at home, then at parties and small bars. Suddenly everyone was conquered by their talent and exuberance. A contagious, vibrant live performance, making our 5th day of carnival a very special and unique one.
To keep up with the party mood, DJ LIMÃO will be on the pick ups, playing lots of great carnivalesque tunes.
WED 6 FEB: BAILE A FANTASIA with DJ Leleo + LIVE: Minibloco
£5 after 9pm
It’s the last day of our 6-day-carnival bash and last chance for you to go mad, so let your imagination speak louder and DRESS UP IN YOUR FAVOURITE FANCY DRESS COSTUME. The best costume will WIN 2 RETURN TRAIN TICKETS to the ultimate fantasy land, Eurodisney (Paris). BAILE A FANTASIA brings to Guanabara the “acid-samba” flavour played by DJ LELEO, all the way from Rio. Direct from the heart of London's F-IRE Collective, MINIBLOCO's sextet of multi-instrumentalists present the best of Rio’s street carnival tunes, including not only samba, but also hip hop, pop and funk classics carefully cooked-up for the dance floor. COME EARLY FOR A FREE SAMBA CLASS.
It’s the last day of our 6-day-carnival bash and last chance for you to go mad, so let your imagination speak louder and DRESS UP IN YOUR FAVOURITE FANCY DRESS COSTUME. The best costume will WIN 2 RETURN TRAIN TICKETS to the ultimate fantasy land, Eurodisney (Paris). BAILE A FANTASIA brings to Guanabara the “acid-samba” flavour played by DJ LELEO, all the way from Rio. Direct from the heart of London's F-IRE Collective, MINIBLOCO's sextet of multi-instrumentalists present the best of Rio’s street carnival tunes, including not only samba, but also hip hop, pop and funk classics carefully cooked-up for the dance floor. COME EARLY FOR A FREE SAMBA CLASS.
Boa ideia! Por mim voto na sexta, mas sábado tamb'em seria uma boa opcao.
Pode ser que me junte!
Suponho que isso responde ao convite!!! Mas que raio isto de se viver no Norte, pa!
Still a couple of days to go... maybe!
e eu ainda aqui em Lisboa...:(
enfim fica para o ano....
Opá, eu queria sexta mas tenho a entrevista para o que tu sabes (!!!) nesse sábado de manhã! Voto sábado à noite.
Eu vou no dia em que voces forem...escolham!!!
sábado é cool para mim, mas mais na ocasião saberei se show up ou nao...
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