I can't stand it any longer!
I like to read the free newspapers to get myself up to date with what is going on, but enough is enough...
Who cares about what happens to Amy Winehouse at 4am? Who cares what Victoria Beckham is saying? Who cares about the Primrose Hill gang? Who cares about the new Primrose Hill gang? Who cares what Madonna says?
Every single page for the past month has been "celebrity" oriented, every single piece of journalism, as small as it may be, has to mention a "celebrity" name in it...
There's the celebrity tv star, the celebrity singer, the celebrity fashion designer, the celebrity hairdresser, the celebrity model, the celebrity daughter/son of the celebrity...
Today I found out there is a "celebrity guitarrist"! WTF??? A "celebrity guitarrist"? What is that? A guy who plays the guitar only for celebrities? Please!!!!!!
Palavras soltas!
4 months ago
tens umbom remedio, Vasco! sabes qual e', nao sabes?
Opá, mas desse remédio eu não gosto :(
Uma das coisas que me dá mais prazes é ler revistas, jornais... quase tudo, enfim! é o folhear e o passar o tempo sem ter de pensar em nada específico...
Mas há tretas em quase todos os jornais e revistas, por muito bons que sejam :(
pois, eu estou como a Lua... não quero deixar de ler jornais e revistas apenas porque aparecem estas pessoas futeis.. mas que me irrita irrita!!!
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