Monday, 1 September 2008

The wonders of Low Cost Airlines

Maria has some family in Nantes (France) and they have been asking (almost demanding) for us to visit them for quite sometime. So when we were in Evora two weeks ago we promised we would be visiting them soon.

So yesterday I decided to do a quick search on the Ryanair website, to find out prices to fly from London there... and ended up booking our flight there and then!!!

Why? Because a return ticket to Nantes for a 5-day long weekend for 2 adults costed £4!!! You read well: FOUR POUNDS!!!!! And there are no hiden cost (ok, I had to pay £16 for handling charges because I paid with a MasterCard, but that is it!!!)!! The flight costs £1 per person per travel and they don't charge airport fees!!!

How can these airlines survive???

I am planning to do a lot more sightseeing then!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is an answer to the low cost.


Wask said...

Nao me devias ter mostrado isto!!! :(

Tuga em Londres said...

Uii, espectaculo! Porque é que eu nunca consigo encontrar essas pechinchas de voos?

Atom said...

E eu que achava que um bilhete de ida e volta para Barcelona a 50€ tinha sido barato!

Lua said...

Hum...sou terrivelmente egoísta porque preferia não ter lido isso! Wask, as vezes que fiquei boquiaberta com os preços da ryanair. São tão surreais que uma pessoa até fica a pensar se há algo de errado. Contudo, nunca pensei que fosse à custa de segurança :(

Prefiro pagar mais e estar mais segura mas tenho a certeza que há muita gente por aí que não preocupa com estes factos :(