Why is it that trains are packed full on Mondays and empty all other days?
Don't the same people work every day of the week?
I catch the train every day at 7.54am. I can always get a sitting place and there are a few available for when it reaches the next station, where they run out and some unlucky ones have to stand until Victoria. Today, however, there were empty seats all the way to Victoria!!! Did everyone pull a sickie??
The underground was also empty. Never was it so easy to get into the Bakerloo line at Embankment...
Today is Friday, so it means beer and crisps at the office.. but one of my colleagues has her birthday today, so hopefuly there will be a little cake too!!
And why can't the sunny weather stay for the weekend? Grrrrrr!!!!!
Palavras soltas!
2 months ago
What do you mean? Won't it stay?!!!
Pois realmente o meu Accuweather também me diz que vai chover... ora bolas...
Não é para ser mázinha, mas em lisboa está sol...hihihi...
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