Tuesday, 4 November 2008

What have I done to deserve this? (or how to make 600kms in a car with no heater)

She must have said it to herself millions of times on Sunday! It must have been hard to travel to Bath and back in the freezing cold inside a car that had the heater switch broken! I hope she liked it, because we certainly liked to have her with us!

But anyway, the trip was amazing.

We first stopped at Stonehenge and visited the site, where we froze our feet in a manner I didn't think it was possible. Stonehenge grabs you by the neck and throws you into a mytical place in time no one knows for sure what it was! You feel drawn to that circle of upright stones in the middle of nowhere and expect a druid to come from within, like surely happened many years ago.

A short journey and we arrive to Bath, one of the most beautiful cities I had ever visited. Its centre is amazing and the River Avon creates the perfect backdrop.


Sofia said...

Também quero ir a Bath!! Que fotos espectaculares.

Boo said...

E este corno nem sequer mostrou as fotos do interior dos "banhos"(secalhar porque fui eu que tirei e nao quer admitir que estao lindas!), mas vale mesmo a pena sofia, aquilo e lindo e o fudge de comer e chorar por mais!

Wask said...

nao meti as tuas fotos porque acho que deves ser tu a meter, croma!
eu nao fui ver os banhos desta vez!!

Joana Saramago said...

Da maneira que descreves Stonehenge, aquilo até parece saído dos contos do Rei Artur.
Quando lá fui fiquei parva com a quantidade de turistas e a proximidade da autoestrada que anula o romantismo todo.

Restelo said...

Wask e Boo: não estava assim tanto frio lá atrás!! Além de que o que mais me enregelou foi Stonehenge! ADOREI ADOREI ADOREI a viagem! Ainda não acreditas? Eu repito ADOREI AOREI ADOREI!! Vocês são uns queridos em aturarem-me!
Jojo: acho que tivemos sorte que nesta altura não deve ser a pior!