Sunday 8 February 2009

Say hello to my little friend...

Rescued on Friday night from Chiswick train station, where it had been abandoned...

It looks much better now, as I have been spending the morning getting rid of all the rust with my amazing Dremel... still not finished, but it's already looking good! :)


Lua said...

Que venha a neve! Tu agora já tens 'wings' :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, little Wask's friend. Espero que agora que está limpa, não comece a disparar... (só para continuar com as referências ao Scarface ;)

Afrika said...

hummm... I'm trying to get a mental picture of you on that thing! Guess what? ... yeap .... LOL

Ok, don't get sad, if I get one pink, next time I'll London I will take it with me and you can race me:D LOL LOL LOL