Saturday 29 November 2008

Desafio da minha Boo...

Estas sao as regras:
1.Colocar uma foto minha
2.Escolher um artista ou banda favorita
3.Responder ás questões, que se seguem, utilizando títulos de canções do tal artista ou banda escolhida
4.Passar o desafio a 4 pessoas.

1. Foto

2. Banda - LAGWAGON

3. Questoes:
1-És homem ou mulher: Mr Coffee
2-Descreve-te: Inspector Gadget
3-O que é que as outras pessoas pensam a teu respeito: Child Inside
4-Como descreves a tua última relação: Noble End
5-Descreve o estado actual da tua relação: Love Story
6-Onde gostarias de estar neste momento? Going South
7-O que pensas a respeito do amor? One Thing to Live
8-Como é a tua vida? Never Stops
9-O que pedirias se apenas tivesses um desejo? Dinner and a Movie
10-Escreve uma frase sábia: Kids Don't Like To Share

4. Like the band say, you have Freedom Of Choice, so I won't be passing it around (people I know got it anyway by now!!)

Christmas wishlist...

I was not going to make a wishlist for this Christmas, but since she started doing one and lots of people offered to buy her things from it, I decided to have a go and see where that leads me :)

In no particular order:

This, to entertain my friends when they visit

Two weeks holiday here

Any one of these (but specially the Spine Mid Velcro or the Scarred Street Mid)

This one... or this one...

This, to get the party started

To start being a punk-rock star

... and please! If you can't buy me these, do not replace them with chocolate, boxers or socks, ok?

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Monday 24 November 2008

Visual Street Performance 2008

My good friends from LEG crew are starting another Visual Street Performance this Thursday 27th November.

This is the 4th time they show the world what 7 different thinking minds can come up with when together. Expect madness, outrage, great music and even better graffiti art!!!

You can watch it until December 14th at Rua do Norte, 103 - Bairro Alto, Lisbon

Or you can get updates here (if they are sober/awake enough to bother with it!):

Sunday 23 November 2008

Thursday 20 November 2008

Programa de Encontros para 2009

Desculpem a ousadia de criar um "programa" de encontros entre a malta tuga que vive por Londres e arredores, mas acho que não faz mal nenhum criarmos o hábito de nos encontrarmos pelo menos uma vez por mês. Há cada vez mais gente a chegar ao Reino Unido vindo de Portugal e a querer conhecer gente, fazer amizades, conversar... e acabo por reconhecer que na maioria das vezes estar sentado numa mesa de restaurante não possibilita muito o convivio entre as pessoas, passa-se o tempo a falar apenas com quem se senta ao lado ou em frente.

Por isso pensei em algo que possibilita estarmos juntos, fazermos uma actividade que não seja cara, experimentar o que é ser inglês em Inglaterra e divertirmo-nos à grande.

Assim decidi "criar" um campeonato de dardos, com 10 etapas espalhadas ao longo do ano (uma por mês excluindo Agosto e Dezembro, quando muitos de nós não estamos por aqui). Aviso desde já que nunca joguei dardos e devo ser um azelha de primeira, mas acho que é um jogo bastante engraçado de se praticar em grupo!

A ideia será visitar um pub tradicional cada mês, localizados em diferentes zonas da cidade, e de onde poderiamos depois seguir para um passeio ou simplesmente ficar na conversa.

Aguardam-se inscrições e comentarios! :)

(Não se preocupem se não conseguirem ver, eu depois mando o flyer para os emails de todos)

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Monday 17 November 2008

Ligações perigosas

DN 17/11/08 - "A PSP deteve ontem 29 elementos da claque No Name Boys do Benfica, após a execução de mais de 40 mandados de buscas domiciliárias, emitidos para várias zonas do País, Grande Lisboa, Porto e Leiria. Destes, fazem parte os principais líderes da claque, um deles conhecido por Mário, que foram detidos por estarem fortemente indiciados por vários tipos de crime, "associação criminosa, ofensas corporais graves a entidades e agentes policiais, roubo, posse ilegal de armas , tráfico de droga, danos agravados e muitos outros delitos", confirmou fonte ligada ao processo.

Os restantes suspeitos foram detidos em flagrante delito, por posse de armas ilegais e de droga, e deverão sair em liberdade com termo de identidade e residência. Aliás, estes elementos começaram ontem à tarde a ser ouvidos na esquadra de Benfica por vários procuradores tendo alguns saído em liberdade".

Tal como Vale e Azevedo é o bode espiatorio para a corrupção desportiva, também parece que os No Name Boys o são para a criminalidade no seio das claques. Mais ninguem neste meio rouba, corrompe ou agride...
E antes que venham dizer que estou a desculpar gente que não o merece, rapidamente digo que concordo plenamente com o que as autoridades fizeram. Só não concordo com o facto de o fazerem apenas num sentido, e sempre que o Benfica parece crescer em força no panorama futebolistico nacional.

Sou adepto do Benfica, fui membro dos NNB e posso claramente dizer que droga nas bancadas sempre houve, adeptos violentos também. Não é de hoje nem somente restrito aos NNB. Então porque apenas culpabilizar estes? Porque não fazer uma barrela de roupa suja e encher Monsanto e Custoias com todos aqueles que parecem usufruir da sua posição num grupo vasto de jovens adultos para cometer crimes? Porque não investigar aqueles que andam de Porsche descapotavel sem terem rendimentos? Porque não investigar aqueles cheios de tatuagens nazis a distribuir panfletos racistas pelos estádios nacionais? Porque não investigar a rede de "seguranças privados" e "cobranças dificeis"? Se eu os conheço, então a policia deve ainda os conhecer melhor!

Por favor não parem agora com estas 29 detenções, nem venham dizer que se solucionou o problema!!

E um pedido aos senhores "jornalistas": chamem os bois pelos nomes. Tochas e petardos são "armas ilegais" desde quando?

Sunday 16 November 2008

My town's Christmas Lights...

... are still non-existant!
A quick visit to the High Street showns nothing prepared yet, but there are some posters around saying the "big switch on" (sic) will be on the 27th November. And the mayor is promising it will be Sutton's biggest ever Christmas lights switch-on.

Low energy bulbs will provide the illumination for a spectacular display stretching from ASDA to the station, accompanied by magical snowflakes projected onto walls and surfaces.

Thirty live acts across four stages and guest appearances from Father Christmas and Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants will herald the launch of Sutton Council's Town Centre Partnership programme of Christmas events.

Starting at 4pm, the evening will culminate in the Big Switch On at 7pm, followed by live music at Santa's Winter Garden, a Bavarian beer garden, serving mulled wine, German beers and hot food.

A traditional Advent market will be open during the four-week run up to Christmas, selling food, crafts and Christmas gifts. Music lovers can enjoy live music from Thursday to Saturday and "Unsigned Sundays" featuring up-and-coming bands playing original material live from 2 - 6pm.

Move aside Sugababes and McFly!!! SpongeBob is switching on our Christmas Lights!!! LOL

Obrigado, Melões!

Quando as pessoas perdem a noção de que horas são, significa que a noite foi excelente. E a bacalhoada estava um pitéu!!

Friday 14 November 2008

Don't dare to miss it!!!!!

Starts Sunday on E! Entertainment channel at 10.30pm and it was casted by yours truly!!!!

As Seen On Soho part 4

As I was making my way home yesterday through Carnaby Street, I noticed a DJ booth in the middle of it and loads of people around it, dancing... but I couldn't hear any music!!!!
As I went closer, I noticed everyone was wearing headphones and dancing like crazy possessed beings!!

Then I realized "Silent Disco" had hit Carnaby Street!!!!

Thursday 13 November 2008

17 years ago??!!??

No, it's not another Nirvana fan recriating the iconic cover of "Nevermind".

This is actually the original baby who was made famous by the Seattle band!!

Spencer Elden, now 17 and a high school student, went back to the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center in Pasadena, California, to take the picture again. Originally, Elden’s parents were paid $200 for the Kirk Waddle photographed shot. The new picture was taken by British photographer John Chapple.

Is it me or we are growing older faster than before???

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Portugal looses more than half million people by 2050

According to a report for the UN, Portugal will have less 700,000 people by the time we reach 2050, staying at 10 million habitants.

This trend is in clear opposition to what will happen in other European countries, such as Spain, UK or France, which expect their population to grow.

The Uk will actually be the country with the biggest growth in the next 40 years, reaching 67 millions in 2050.

What the report doesn't mention are the causes for this decline, wether it's less births than deaths or imigration trends.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

The crunch hits Christmas lights

There can't be another reason why Regent Street looks so bad this year...

At least Carnaby Street is prettier... just!

Monday 10 November 2008

Where next, Monsieur Le President?

Wouldn't it be great if we could solve all the problems in the world with a bit of voodoo?

Saturday 8 November 2008


O ter escrito sobre como era a MTV fez-me voltar atrás no tempo e redescobrir aquilo que ouvia na minha adolescência.
E entre tantas outras pérolas, consegui desencantar esta, que pura e simplesmente adoro até aos dias de hoje!!!

(e para quem não percebe porque é que os Xutos & Pontapés hoje não me dizem absolutamente nada, é porque eu lembro-me deles assim!!! Lembro-me de os ver ao vivo assim!!! Oiçam bem a mudança de ritmo ao minuto 1:21 e está tudo explicado!! Quem os viu assim não consegue gostar deles agora!!!)

Friday 7 November 2008

I (don’t) want my MTV

Back in 1985, when Dire Straits launched “Money for Nothing”, people in Europe didn’t understand what the hell they were talking about. “MTV? What’s that all about?” – I remember saying at the time. It was not until August 1st 1987 that MTV Europe began and young people began to realise there was a channel for them, where they could see 24 hours of music videos!!

I remember being glued to the TV set for hours, watching my favourite VJ’s, people that became icons for my generation. Does anyone remember Ray Cokes’ “MTV Most Wanted”? Zig & Zag? Adam Curry? Paul King?

MTV today is nothing but a 24-hour naff reality show channel, where the new generation can only listen to music when it’s played by their “celebs” at home or in their cars or when they have to fill the void when nothing is happening with Hulk Hogan or Kim Kardashian.
I can already see some of your comments to this post: “You are too old, no longer the target for MTV”; well, I STILL hear music! I am still interested in watching music videos! Why shouldn’t MTV be my target as well?

All this whinging/vitriol has to do with yesterday’s EMA awards (and also the US MTV ones).
How detached from reality is MTV nowadays? How deaf/dumb/numb are its viewers?
How can you give the "Act of 2008" to Britney Spears???? Where did she act this year? Surely not in Europe, where these awards relate to!!

MTV has become more and more a channel for Political Correctness and “Highest Bidder” label merchandize vehicle!

Music is a business, I know that! But awards should reward quality, not serve as an apology! If MTV wanted to say sorry for putting a drunken out-of-shape Britney in the spotlight last year, they should have written her a cheque! Not give her all the awards they can think of! That may please the brainless few that don’t see past it, but not me.

MTV forgets we live in the digital world now, with music channels growing like mushrooms and dividing the audience's attention. It does not help their cause if more and more people watch them throw away their credibility!

And that is why I can safely say I will never watch MTV again!!

The good ol' days of MTV Europe!

Thursday 6 November 2008

TH.2058 by Dominique Gonzales-Foerster

This evening I had a meeting scheduled with Sanne and Bart from Spotted by Locals and our rendez-vous was the entrance to the Tate Modern.
I arrived 30 minutes earlier and decided to wander around. I had completely forgotten that Doris' fracture was no longer lying on the floor and a new Unilever series had been instaled. To tell you the truth, after seeing it, I remembered I actually had heard about it and had even seen photos of it when it opened, but for some strange reason, my brain had completely wiped out the Tate Modern from my scheduled stops in months to come (now that I think about it, I must have lost a good bunch of exhibitions in the last few months - must recharge my PDA and use it more often to plan these things!).

What seems like a giant spider dominates Turbine Hall, standing majestic above hundreds of blue and yellow iron bunk beds. In most of them, open books, left as if their readers had to go in a hurry. Among the beds, a skeleton of a giant carnivore, still in its ferocious position of attack, testimony of an anihilating apocalypse that surely caught it by surprise.
A giant screen plays a strange film. I can recognize scenes from Planet of the Apes and Solaris, mixed with abstract sequences...

On my iPod (in constant loop)

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Tuesday 4 November 2008

What have I done to deserve this? (or how to make 600kms in a car with no heater)

She must have said it to herself millions of times on Sunday! It must have been hard to travel to Bath and back in the freezing cold inside a car that had the heater switch broken! I hope she liked it, because we certainly liked to have her with us!

But anyway, the trip was amazing.

We first stopped at Stonehenge and visited the site, where we froze our feet in a manner I didn't think it was possible. Stonehenge grabs you by the neck and throws you into a mytical place in time no one knows for sure what it was! You feel drawn to that circle of upright stones in the middle of nowhere and expect a druid to come from within, like surely happened many years ago.

A short journey and we arrive to Bath, one of the most beautiful cities I had ever visited. Its centre is amazing and the River Avon creates the perfect backdrop.

A terra do meu pai nas notícias hoje!

04 Nov (Lusa) - Um bolo de castanha com 600 quilos vai dar um sabor especial à feira de Carrazedo de Montenegro, onde entre sábado e domingo se promove e divulga este fruto da Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP) da Serra da Padrela.

Uma das atracções do certame é um bolo feito de farinha de castanha importada de França, que vai ter 600 quilos e começa a ser cozinhado quinta-feira numa padaria da aldeia de Argeriz.

Durante os dois dias da feira, a organização prevê receber cerca de 40 mil visitantes que podem comprar, além da castanha, também doces confeccionados com este fruto, iogurtes ou até mesmo sabonetes provenientes da localidade francesa de Beynat.

Francisco Tavares salientou que a castanha desta campanha é de "grande qualidade" e revelou que o quilo de compra ao produtor ronda os dois euros. No entanto, a produção estimada para este ano é de três mil toneladas, menos mil do que em 2007 .

Sem problemas de escoamento, a castanha de Carrazedo é sobretudo exportada para França, Itália, Espanha, Brasil e Estados Unidos da América.

O secretário de estado Adjunto da Agricultura e das Pescas, Luís Vieira, participa na sessão na abertura da Castmonte, que é promovida em conjunto pelo município de Valpaços, Junta de Freguesia de Carrazedo de Montenegro e Associação Regional dos Agricultores das Terras de Montenegro (ARATM).

Monday 3 November 2008

Karaoke Night

What better way to start your month that to spend an entire day (or rather, weekend) surrounded by your fellow countrymen?
Saturday started with a great Madeira-style lunch underneath Vauxhall train station. The Forum Tugas people put together a cosy meeting at the Madeira restaurant, located in one of the arches on Albert Embankment and not even the pouring rain stopped the 20 of us (with people coming from Liverpool, Manchester and Bournemouth) from having a great time!!

The expectations were running high for our Portuguese Bloggers' meeting (our 4th? 5th?), scheduled for a Japanese restaurant with karaoke. In the end, I think it was one of the best dinners/meetings I ever went to and I am sure the 24 of us left feeling happy!

There are loads of photos already circuling around in blogs and facebooks, but here are my best ones!!